Entries by Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing

Google Local Service Ads (LSAs) and Law Firms

Are You Using Paid Ads? If So, You Need Google Local Service Ads What if your law firm’s information could show up at the top of every Google search results page, even above the Google My Business three-pack and the pay-per-click ads? You’d probably receive a substantial increase in traffic to your website, calls to […]

Creating a 30-60-90 Marketing Plan for your Law Firm

Digital marketers are constantly working on a variety of tactics and strategies to achieve a desired result. But, if you’re just jumping from one strategy to the next based on what is trendy, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. A comprehensive marketing model like the 30-60-90-day marketing plan can enable […]

Just How Long Should a Law Firm Blog Be?

One of the best ways to boost your law firm’s online presence is through consistent content marketing. Specifically, when you create a blog and post the right type of quality content regularly, you can increase the traffic to your website as well as your engagement and conversion rates. Blogs have been known to boost traffic […]

Why Every Law Firm Needs a Website

Let’s face it: Not much happens today without some online involvement. If your law firm doesn’t have its own website at this point, you are dangerously behind the curve. Imagine, for example, a person needs to find out about a law firm in Annapolis, MD that handles personal injury cases. They probably won’t just trust […]

7 Tips for Creating Paid Ads for Your Law Firm

When it comes to legal marketing, law firms need to utilize all the available digital marketing strategies to stand out amongst competitors. Naturally, some will get more priority than others. But, one of the best ways for an attorney to quickly get their name in front of searchers is to use paid ads or pay-per-click […]