Entries by Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing

The Importance of Design in Law Firm Websites

In the past, if you needed to hire a lawyer you opened the phone book and searched it’s pages for the most eye catching ad. Today, potential clients search out an attorney the same way they look for restaurants and the best brand of shoes – with an online search. From the consumer’s perspective, your […]

Marketing After A Natural Disaster

News Headline – “There has been a terrible disaster – a wildfire, a flood, an oil spill, or a hurricane.” Sound familiar? As the water recedes, the smoke clears and the winds die down, people begin assessing their situation. Neighbors help neighbors and strangers help strangers. There is nothing more resilient than the American spirit. […]

5 Tips for Marketing Your Bankruptcy Law Firm

Post COVID, Marketing Your Bankruptcy Firm Has Become Even More Competitive Bankruptcy attorneys help clients going through tough times get a financial fresh start through the bankruptcy process. Most people that are having financial troubles will turn to the internet for answers. A well-executed online marketing campaign can bring a consistent stream of new clients […]

Easy Tips That Will Improve Your Website

Update your website pictures and content– Too many websites have old, outdated pictures and content that has not been updated in months or even years. You may not realize this, but it makes you seem like you do not care about appearances or if you look like you can’t afford a nice website, then how […]

How to Use Video While Marketing Your Family Law Firm 

Millions of people are struggling with family law matters, and many could use the services of a qualified attorney. Statistics show that over 90% of people that have legal questions turn to search engines for help. If your family law firm is trying to reach this audience, video marketing is one of the most effective […]

Improving Conversions on Your Law Firm Website

Most law firms today understand the importance of having a website. But an online presence alone isn’t enough to make your law firm stand out in a crowded market or convince potential clients to use your services. For years, law firms have focused on generating leads from their websites but haven’t given enough thought to […]